Courses at Beloit

Explore your options for courses over the summer.

Summer Blocks

Block courses vary in length (typically 3 to 7 weeks) and carry between 0.5 and 1.0 unit of Beloit College credit. Courses may meet exclusively online, in person or in a hybrid format.

Students should expect to be available for class for the majority of each weekday during a summer block session, and may only enroll in one course at a time. The cost per course in 2024 was $1,800. 

Once registered, students must pay a $300 deposit for the course. 

Non-Beloit College students can register for summer courses. Beloit College students should contact their advisor for clearance before registering.

Questions about Summer Blocks can be directed to the Associate Provost, and/or course instructors. 

Courses for Summer 2025


Internship Options

Internship (PRAX 200), scheduled individually

Students engage in an internship or similar special project experience, under the supervision of a faculty sponsor. The faculty sponsor will oversee the development of the content and form of the academic reflection and assess your academic work. Students may earn between 0.25 and 1.0 unit of credit, depending on the number of hours at the internship or field site. More information available on the Career Works website.

Internship Workshop (PRAX 201), scheduled individually

The Internship Workshop course is designed to accompany a summer internship opportunity and give 0.5 units of credit. Students register for the course and participate asynchronously, based on the schedule of the internship. More information available on the Career Works website.


Please see the Summer Special Projects/Field Tuition section of the Bursar & Tuition page for tuition information. 

Financial Aid is available for students who enroll in 1.5 units or more of summer coursework.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Any summer internships registered for credit beyond 2 units of credit or beyond two for-credit experiences will be charged tuition at the regular per unit tuition rate for the academic year.

Additional Options

Center for Language Studies

CLS courses are 7 weeks long, broken up into two 1.0 unit sessions for a total of 2.0 units of credit. These courses in Chinese, Japanese, and Russian are intensive and students should plan on focusing exclusively on them.

Learn more about Center for Language Studies courses.

International Summer Seminars

Students can participate in a 3-week course that includes traveling to another country. Don’t just learn about the cultures and lives of others: experience it for yourself first-hand.

Learn more about International Summer Seminars

Acadeum College Consortium Courses

Beloit students have the option to take pre-approved Acadeum courses during Winter and Summer breaks and receive Beloit College credit.

Learn more about Acadeum courses.

On-Campus Housing and Meals

Students enrolled in a Beloit Block are not required to live on campus. 

To request to live on campus please complete this form by April 29, 2022. That form should have all the information you need to make an informed decision. However, please feel free to reach out to with any questions. Room assignments are pending, and space may be limited. The cost for housing for the duration of the course will be $655.62, which includes Room and Board (required) for the duration of the Block course.

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